InsideOut Children's Ministries

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February Series- Scoundrels 2

It’s the wild west and Sheriff Rusty Trusty is being put to the test! In this four-week series, kids will “Learn 2 Obey” right along with the scoundrels in this little western town. We’ll learn what God’s Word has to say about who we need to obey and why!


Main Idea:
God asks us to obey because He loves us.

Bible Story:
Jesus and the Centurion (Matthew 8) Jesus was impressed with this guy because although he had authority, he understood his place and how authority works. He understood that God was the highest authority.

1 Peter 2:13 CEV The Lord wants you to obey all human authorities…

Over all, God is large and in charge!

Discussion Questions:
1) How do God’s laws protect us from sin?
2) How can you obey God?


Main Idea:
Even if your parents aren’t perfect, we must honor and obey them. (You may need one little disclaimer phrase in there somewhere for abused kids to get help from a trusted adult.)

Bible Story:
Baby Moses (Exodus 2) Miriam’s family was in a lot of trouble. Her mom had to ask her to do something really scary and important. She obeyed her mother and saved her baby brother.

Ephesians 6:1 NIV Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

Best to do what ma and pa says to!
Discussion Questions:
1) What do your parents tell you to do that is the hardest to obey?2) What are the good things that happen when we obey our parents?


Main Idea:
We should obey and honor people who have authority over us.

Bible Story:
Samuel (1 Samuel 1) even though the whole nation knew of Eli’s wickedness and poor parenting, Samuel obeyed him faithfully. Through his service he learned how to become a great leader and prophet.

1 Peter 2:18 NIRV…Obey your masters with all the respect you should give them. Obey not only those who are good and kind. Obey also those who are not kind.

Even if yer teacher makes ya wanna fight, just obey and do what’s right!

Discussion Questions:
1) Who is the person in your life that is the hardest to obey?2) Share a time when you learned a valuable lesson from an unfair person.


Main Idea:
Obey even when no one will find out because obedience honors God.

Bible Story:
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah refuse to eat the king’s food. (Daniel 1) Even though their parents and leaders weren’t there and they would have never gotten caught or punished and it would have been easier (and tastier), they obeyed God’s law because they wanted to honor Him.

Isaiah 1:19 NIV If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land;

Y’all know what to do, so choose what’s true!
Discussion Questions:
1) What is a rule you don’t obey when no one is looking?
2) Why do we need to obey the rules even when we won’t get caught?

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